"The most fun you can have with a sprinkler." Great gift for Grandmas and Grandpas who have everything. Super for kids who love to run through the sprinkler -- and it does a great job of just plain watering too!
LITTLE SQUIRTS are made of Baltic Birch with two coats of durable exterior finish and third finish coat of clear polyurethane for years of protection. Fiberglass legs hold them firmly in the ground and won't rot or crack. Each sprinkler is about two feet tall.
Sprinkles in a wild but consistent pattern. Spray can be adjusted to cover from 10 to 60 feet. Each Little Squirt comes with complete setup and operating instructions.
Little Squirts are clearance priced at $24.99 (in Canadian Funds) each + shipping and handling and taxes if applicable.
Click Here to view our selection of Little Squirt Sprinklers.
All Prices in Canadian Dollars
Island Emporium
1225 Glyn Oak Pl.
Victoria , BC V8Z 5J4
Phone: 2507445026
Fax: 2507040276